It can be embarrassing when someone emails you to say, “You spelled a word wrong.” Or, “that’s poor grammar.” While mistakes often happen, it’s great when you can limit them.
The reality is that despite the best of efforts, troublesome typos often slip through. However, if you’re diligent, you can reduce them.
One way to limit your typos and avoid pesky errors is to adopt an effective editing workflow.
In most organizations, editing text is usually delegated to someone in the office who often notices poor grammar and spelling.
I bet you know who that person is in your office. She or he is is very detailed person and talks a lot about the horrors of people using nouns as verbs. Or writing emails with fragments rather than complete sentences.
It’s About Workflow
It’s good to have people like this to turn to. But effective editing is more than just finding someone good at detail. It’s also about consistently following a workflow that makes it easier to catch mistakes beyond just spelling and grammar.
In this short video post, we’ll explore an editing workflow that can help you minimize typos and keep people focused on your content rather than your grammar.
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