Back in 2009, a leading study of CEOs proclaimed that creativity and innovation were critical skills for the future. I don’t think that they were wrong. Since then, a proliferation... read more →
I was fired by three music teachers, when I was a kid. Honest, I was. You might already know this, because I wrote about it in Chapter 2 of Confessions of... read more →
When we do our job well, trainers and talent specialists can have big influence on people, organizations and society. This week, we're sharing an infographic to remind us we should... read more →
Who's the Client? This is a question a lot of trainers ask and the answer tends to be either the learner or the organization. But is it... read more →
Instructional Video Time Wasters Instructional video time wasters - video is easy to make, right? Not always. In fact, many trainers find it takes longer to make video than they... read more →
Great Minds Together It was awesome. 13,500 learning professionals from around the globe descended on Washington DC this week for ATD’s annual Conference. Thinking, talking and questioning the work we... read more →
Video Production Time Wasters Video production time wasters get int the way of making instructional videos fast and affordably. These three principles will help you shave time off... read more →
Who Do we Serve? Who do we serve? “I’m here for the learner,” Janice, a management trainer told us emphatically. It was Fall in 2018 and I was facilitating a... read more →